EpisodesThe Matthew Filipowicz Show

Episode 193 with Josh Eidelson and Katie Klabusich

Episode 193 of the Matthew Filipowicz Show is now available to stream and download.


Coming up on today’s show, we have labor journalist Josh Eidelson back on the show to discuss the rise of alt labor movements across the United States.

We also have writer Katie Klabusich back on the show to discuss the frustration of re-fighting battles that have been long since decided legally, like a woman’s right to reproductive health.

We’ll also discuss the former head of FEMA Michael Brown’s repulsive reaction to the power going out at the Super Bowl, as well as my recent visit to New Orleans which included the viewing of a Chewbacca themed Marti Gras parade.

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Matthew Filipowicz

Comedian, Cartoonist, Satirist, and Host of Laughing Liberally Milwaukee.