EpisodesThe Matthew Filipowicz ShowTim Grimes

The Matthew Filipowicz Show: Episode 88 with David Dayen, Josh Eidelson and Sara Robinson

Episode 88 of the Matthew Filipowicz Show is now available to stream and download.


Coming up on today’s show, we have David Dayen from Firedoglake here to explain why we shouldn’t be too excited about Eric Schneiderman’s co-chairing of a financial fraud task force, and how the proposed mortgage robo-signing settlement is a giant giveaway to the big banks.

We also have Josh Eidelson here to discuss Governor Mitch Daniels and the perils of Indiana’s new anti-union “right to work” law.

We’ll also be talking to Sara Robinson, the editor of the new site Alternet Visions, about looking at the big picture and future of the progressive movement.

Plus we have the announcement of a GOP endorsement from a new political action group, the Cheaters Party.

We’ll also discuss the plans to Occupy the Superbowl this weekend in Indiana, and Mitt Romney’s GOP dog whistle moment towards the poor.

Our writer/performer today is Tim Grimes.

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Matthew Filipowicz

Comedian, Cartoonist, Satirist, and Host of Laughing Liberally Milwaukee.